Hiding behind the coconut trees

A beautiful golden evening at a place called Mulloor, Kerala, India.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

'Point and Shoot' photography - 5 tips


Friday, June 21, 2013

Rule of thirds in photography

For a beginner may be sometimes very difficult to compose the image. Composition is the positioning of the main subject in the frame and the background/foreground. For them the rule of thirds may be very handy. Even though it is up to the creativity of the photography, it is good to understand the psychology when some one is seeing a picture. Assume that the total frame of the camera is divided into 9 cells using three vertical and three horizontal...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lightening photography using point and shoot camera

Can we take photography of lightening using a simple point and shoot camera. ? The answer is YES. Here is the way: First switch to "long exposure mode" of your camera. In long exposure mode, we can adjust the time for which the shutter remains opened. In normal modes, this is calculated automatically using the available light outside. If the shutter remains open for long time, more light enters the camera. So make sure that there is no light sources...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Portrait photography with point and shoot camera

Portrait photography or "people" photography will be quite a difficult region for those who have just started using a point and shoot cameras. You may go on taking pictures of your friends, relatives and yourself and wont  be able to share it to them because you find it ugly. Actually, i have undergone these in my life and has always thought it was my face which is causing the problem. The first rule of portrait photography is to understand that no person looks ugly. If the photo of them look ugly, then its the photographers...

Getting the most from your digital camera

Seminar on "getting the most from your digital camera" present a detailed introduction to the basics of point and shoot photography, such as composition, light metering etc... Please go to the link and read the seminar.  Point & Shoot Cameras :: Getting the most from your digital camera In case the original  URL has got any problem,  click this to see the pdf version.&nbs...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Introduction to basic point and shoot photography

First rule of taking good snaps is get out of the "Auto" mode. You have to use the program mode denoted by "P". Try to take maximum pictures without flash. While taking an image of subject, take it with different settings like flash on, off etc.. and in different angles. Your first 10000 pictures will be your worst pictures. So don't hesitate. Keep clicking There are three important point we should keep in mind before taking a picture. 1) Focus : Focus the object what we want get focussed. If the subject is very near to...